This is my 2D Shooter Project, called SpaceForce.


  1. Added two more player ships in addition to the default.
    1. Created a Character Selection Scene
    2. Designed the sprite artwork for the two additional choices.
    3. Created Explosion Effect for the 2 new ships.
    4. Created a Character Selection Script, using PlayerPref to carry the choice to each level.
    5. Created Script to instantiate the chosen ship based on playerprefs.
    6. Each Ship has different health/movement speed and fire rate.
    7. Adjusted the Enemy controller script and the camera controller script to find the instantiated player ship and set it as target.
  2. Created a new enemy ship (ShipCarrier)
    1. Placed  enemy chaser spawner a child. (Making the ship act as an aircraft carrier)
  3. Created 3 Additional Levels
  4. Added a Space Station on Level 6 and adjusted the Health Script so that it destruction would cause a GameOver event.
  5. Added Instructions on the GameMenu UI, which includes a story line.
  6. Added Mission Objects for each level in the UI.
  7. Added a Win screen with a story line.


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